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WhoSampled: The Shazam of Sampling

WhoSampled have launched a new app that reveals "a song's entire DNA" Dying to find out which super-rare soul vinyl your favourite rapper has been chopping up? Now you can.

WhoSampled have just launched an app which allows you, Shazam-style, to recognise a track whilst also revealing it's samples, it's cover history, remixes and more. This new app uses a monumentally sized crowdsourced database, which over the course of a decade has gathered a huge amount of data on samples, remixes, cover versions and more. This could just be the perfect app for EDM and Hip-Hop lovers, opening up the door to a whole new world of sampling for those who can't be bothered with sifting through millions of charity shop-destined vinyl.

WhoSampled’s CEO Nadav Poraz spoke about how this new feature was always a goal for the app and how it will operate differently from other similar apps: “We had always dreamed of adding these features from the moment we launched the app six years ago. You can identify the song playing around you, then dig deeper and find out what other song was sampled in the song you’re hearing. For example, the chorus or riff might sound familiar but not from the song that is playing, it’s from somewhere else.

Other music recognition apps will tell you the name of the song you’re hearing, but WhoSampled is the only app that will give you the answer you’re looking for, allow you to understand the origins of the composition and reveal the other recordings that sampled it.